Torklift Central

Torklift Tie Downs

At Torklift theTruck camper tie downs TRUE Frame-Mounted Camper Tie Downs. This is because they are the only truck camper tie downs available that attach to the strongest part of your truck, which is the truck frame. All other tie downs, commonly referred to as homemade truck camper tie downs or bed-mounted tie downs generally attach to the bed or stake pocket. You might be wondering why that is an issue, we can help explain.

Bed-mounted tie downs bolt through the side of the truck bed leading to flexing and cracking of the bed as well as eventual exterior rust that is very noticeable that often leads to further body cracking and paint cracking. Truck beds are made of thin sheet metal which increases the risk of damage because that is the main attachment point for bed-mounted tie downs and stake pocket tie downs. By mounting truck camper tie downs to the truck frame, you are ensured to have your truck camper attached to the safest and strongest location of your truck. Whether you are hauling a small camper or a larger camper – we are still dealing with thousands of pounds that has potential to shift in the truck bed and alter the center of gravity of your vehicle which makes it even more critical to attach your truck camper tie down to your truck frame.

We believe the Torklift truck camper tie downs are the best tie downs for truck campers.